
"For attractive lips, speak works of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone."

-Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bedtime Stories...

So the other night I am lying in bed and my roommate Brea asked me to tell her some stories....this is the conversation that ensued:

W:"Have I told you about the time I was Juliet in my 6th grade play and Romeo stripped the screws from the table that was to be my in the scene where I drank the potion to make it seem like I was dead I laid on the table only to have it skirt flying front of the ENTIRE school?"

B:"Yeah....that was a good one"

W:"What about the time the heat lamp over our baby chickens fell and caught our laundry room on fire not only killing the chickens, but nearly destroying the entire west side of our house?"

B:"Didn't your neighbor invite you over for fried chicken that night?"


W: "Ok...well one time in China I locked my keys in my apt and it was a holiday one was in town that could help us and we were supposed to catch a bus to Guilin the next morning.  We lived on the top floor of an apt building so we went up the roof and discussed all possible options (one of which being tying a rope to Melissa and hoisting her over the side and through a window).  Well Kelsi realized that her bathroom window and mine was only about a foot and a half apart so....on of us could climb out her bathroom window and into mine."

B: "This is a high rise apt. building?"

W: "Yep....sniff.....I was going to do it, but I was wearing a skirt and we were concerned that it would not allow me to "maneuver" myself Kelsi bravely volunteered.  Melissa and I wrapped ourselves around her leg and torso (anchoring her) as she climbed out the window and swung her leg across to my bathroom.  Then Melissa held my legs as I stuck most of my body outside the window to help secure/push Kelsi into my bathroom.  By the time she made it we realized that a crowd of people had congregated below...watching the "crazy" Americans! "

B: "What were you thinking?"

W: "Yeah....that was pretty stupid now that I think about it"

B: "One more"

W: "Ok....I will tell you something that I have only told ONE other person.....

B: ...........??

W: "............uhhhh..............I went to space camp............."

B: "Like the NASA one?"

W: " Star Trek space camp"

B: Brea laughing her guts out

W: "Yeah.....yeah....laugh it up!  I know....."

B: "What did you do?"

W: "Well we were divided up into teams/ships and we were put in rooms or simulators and had to work together to save the galaxy from evil aliens"

B: .....laughing even harder now......

W: "One time I got to be captain and give all the orders....yeah....."

B: "And?"

W: "Our ship was taken over by aliens and we all died"


Sean and Alison said...

Whitney you are too funny! I remember that lovely scene in Romeo and Juliet...very tramatic. Love the stories!

Ally! said...


Can I move into the room with you and Brea? I want to be there for these moments.

Ilona said...

I can think of a lot of "GREAT" (and entertaining) stories you could tell! Sure love you!

Brea Didenhover Squires said...

Reading this account is almost as good as hearing it in person. Can we have story time again very soon...please??